About Us

Hello, I'm Aaditya Bhatta, the founder of Xoenia.com. Our site was born out of a deep passion for gaming and esports. We're here to bring together gamers and esports enthusiasts like you. We cover a wide range of gaming topics, from in-depth game discussions to expert tips and insights into the esports world, with a particular focus on racing games. Join our gaming community, and let's explore the exciting world of gaming and esports together.

Aaditya Bhatta

Founder / CEO

Deepika Adhikari

Team Lead

Namrata Raya

Content Writer

Sarina Thapa

Content Writer

Who We Are

The Xoenia.com collective is a vibrant assembly of gaming enthusiasts, esports fanatics, and tech-savvy individuals. Our shared passion for virtual realms and an unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch content bind us into a tightly-knit community.

Our Commitment

At Xoenia.com, upholding the highest standards of editorial integrity is our unswerving commitment. Our core principle revolves around prioritizing the excellence of information.

πŸ‘‰ We center our focus on content grounded in evidence. Every assertion we make is fortified by reliable sources within the gaming and esports landscape, all meticulously cited in each article.

πŸ‘‰ Our content creation involves subject matter experts who are adept at crafting or reviewing/editing articles.

πŸ‘‰ Our pages are consistently reviewed and refreshed with the latest insights.

We engage in affiliate marketing to sustain our operations, but it’s crucial to note that commissions hold no sway over our recommendations. Furthermore, we maintain a stringent policy against sponsorships to prevent potential conflicts of interest.

Just as athletes rigorously prepare for their challenges, our team of authors and editors at Xoenia.com tirelessly ensures that our content reflects our dedication to accuracy, transparency, and the vibrant gaming and esports community we serve.