HomeGamingArmor Piercing Vs Depleted Uranium: Which One Is Better?

Armor Piercing Vs Depleted Uranium: Which One Is Better?

Weapon Mod is one of the best features in Starfield where players can build, design, and modify their own weapons.

Among various mods, Armor Piercing Rounds and Depleted Uranium are high-level mods where the damage rates are very high.

Armor Piercing vs Depleted Uranium are different Weapon Mod choices for players yet provide the similar feature of damaging the armor.

In addition, both Armor Piercing and Depleted Uranium Mod vary on the basis of materials used, strength, and damage rate of the weapon.

Continue reading more about Armor Piercing Mod and Depleted Uranium Mod in Starfield.

What Is Armor Piercing Mod?

Armor Piercing Mod is the type of Magazine and Battery Mod Type that penetrates even the strongest and protective armors.

Moreover, in this round, players can customize their weapons with more physical damage rate per shot destroying armor.

armor piercing vs depleted uranium
Armor Piercing Mod.

Likewise, the materials used in this Armor Piercing Mod are:

  • Lead       (4 Times)
  • Adhesive ( 2 Times)
  • Tungsten (3 Times)

Also, the compatible weapons used in this round are AA-99, Drum Beat, Grendel, Hard Target, and XM-2311.

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What Is Depleted Uranium Mod?

Depleted Uranium Mod is also the type of Magazine and Battery Mod Type which is used to penetrate any armor even the strongest one.

Likewise, this round provides the player with the highest advantage to destroy the armor completely with maximum damage per kill.

armor piercing vs depleted uranium
Depleted Uranium Mod.

Similarly, the materials used in this Armor Piercing Mod are:

  • Lead       (3 Times)
  • Sealant   (2 Times)
  • Uranium  (3 Times)

The list of compatible weapons used in this round are Lawgiver, Magshear,  Mindtear, and Trickshot.

Armor Piercing Vs. Depleted Uranium In Starfield

Although, Armor Piercing and Depleted Uranium in Starfield both lie under the same slot of Magazine and Battery Mod but are slightly different.

In contrast with the same mission, the materials and the weapons used in both Mods are completely distinct.

1. Types Of Materials Used In Both Mods

Despite the similar objective of penetrating the armor, the types of materials used in both weapons Mod are distinct.

Moreover, the ratio and quantity of the material also vary which affects the rate of damage per shot done in weapon mode.

In the Armor Piercing Round, the weapons are built using Lead, Tungsten, and Adhesive whereas in the Depleted Uranium Round, the weapons are built using Lead, Sealant, and Uranium.

2. Types Of Weapons Used In Both Mods

The Armor Piercing and Depleted Uranium Mods allow players to increase the ammo capacity of a weapon which reduces the need to reload.

However, the customization and design of weapons used in both Weapon Mods depend upon the compatibility with each round.

Similarly, here is the list of popular weapons used in Armor Piercing Round:

1. AA-99

armor piercing vs depleted uranium

2. Drum Beat

armor piercing vs depleted uranium
Starfield Drum Beat.

3. Magshear

Starfield Magshear.
Starfield Magshear.

4. Rattler

armor piercing vs depleted uranium
Starfield Rattler.

5. Beowulf

armor piercing vs depleted uranium

Likewise, here is the list of popular weapons used in the Depleted Uranium Round:

1. Lawgiver

armor piercing and depleted uranium
Starfield Lawgiver.

2. Magshot

armor piercing and depleted uranium
Starfield Magshot.

3. Mindtear

Mindtear in Starfield.
Starfield Mindtear.

4. Mutineer

Starfield Multineer.
Starfield Multineer.

5. Razorback

Starfield Razorback.
Starfield Razorback.

3. Strength of Weapon in Weapon Mods

Armor Piercing Round causes less destruction than that of Depleted Uranium mode.

Moreover, Armor Piercing Piercing can penetrate the armor causing huge damage. However, Depleted Uranium Mod helps to penetrate any powerful weapon even the strongest one.

In comparison, Depleted Uranium is so powerful and effective than Armor Piercing that it can tear any armor and take down enemies easily with more damage and less time.

The Bottom Line

Lastly, there is not much of a difference between Armor Piercing and Depleted Uranium rounds as both rounds provide payers with huge damage stats.

However, the advantage to take down enemies and cause more damage is slightly more in Depleted Uranium Mod.

Hence, the Depleted Uranium Mod is more effective and destructive than that of Armor Piercing Mod.

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Arya Shrestha
Arya Shrestha
I'm passionate about pursuing a career as a content writer because I believe in the power of storytelling and its ability to connect people, inspire change, and entertain. I'm driven by the idea of writing content that not only informs and engages but also fosters a sense of community and empathy.


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