HomeGamingWhere To Sell Books Starfield?

Where To Sell Books Starfield?

In Starfield, books are available in various locations throughout the galaxies, such as libraries, museums, schools, bookstores, etc.

Players can sell old books to Ahnjong Sinclair, who can be found while exploring Akila City. Moreover, after selling books, you can earn 2000 credits per book. 

In this article, we will discover how to sell books in Starfield.

Process To Sell Books Starfield

To successfully sell your books in Starfield, you’ll want to explore Akila City. It is situated within the Cheyenne system on the left side of the map.

You’ll have several options once you’ve arrived at this location.

If you need a fast and straightforward transaction, visit a nearby store for an uncomplicated exchange.

However, you can explore more into Akila City to find the best place to sell your precious books.

Sinclair’s Bookstore
Sinclair’s Bookstore in Starfield.

Sinclair’s Bookstore is located near the Stoneroot Inn and Coe Heritage Museum. It is a perfect store for book lovers and those interested in Old Earth literature.

Ahnjong Sinclair, the bookshop owner, has an unwavering love for antique books.

Furthermore, players can converse with her and introduce her to the books. You can witness her pleasure as she welcomes them into her collection.

Also, read more about the Best Reactor For Class C Ship.

Books And Magazines In Starfield

In Starfield, Books and Magazines are miscellaneous items that boost skills and stats.  Players can find and locate them from various locations and star systems in the game.

Skill magazines grant permanent bonuses to your character’s skills. There are several skill magazines, each of which provides a different bonus.

Here are the books and magazines found in the Starfield.

GRUNT Mining Monthly
Freestar Captain’s LogCyber Runner’s Cipher
Gunslinger’s GuideKryx’s Journal
Nova Galactic ManualSolomon’s Adventures
The New AtlantianTracker’s Primers
Va’ruun ScriptureUC Defense Manual
Vanguard Space TacticsVa’ruun Scripture
Peak PerformanceNeon Nights
Constellation Guide

Books And Magazines Locations In Starfield

Books and magazines can be found in various locations throughout the galaxy while playing the game.

However, certain magazines may appear in various building types without a fixed location.

Below are some of the books and magazines with their locations:

1. Peak Performance

Peak Performance is a skill magazine that increases your carry capacity by 5kg per issue. This magazine is found in various places

Similarly, there are five issues in Peak Performance in Starfield. They are as follows:

Peak PerformanceLocation
Peak Performance 01Alpha Centauri System
Peak Performance 02Deserted UC Listening Post
Peak Performance 05Kryx system

2. Neon Nights

Neon Nights is a magazine in Starfield that provides recipes for pharmaceutical items. The types of Neon Night magazines with their locations are given below:

Neon NightsLocations
Neon Nights 01Ryujin Industries
Neon Nights 02Trade Tower: Astral Lounge VIP Booth 1
Neon Nights 03Trade Tower: Celtcorp
Neon Nights 05Xenofresh Corporate HQ

3. Freestar Captain’s Log

Freestar Captain’s Log is one of the types of skill magazines in Starfield, the sci-fi RPG. Additionally, it increases your carry capacity by 5kg per issue.

Here is the table showing the Freestar Captain’s Log with their locations:

Freestar Captain's LogLocation
Freestar Captain's Log 01TBD
Freestar Captain's Log 02Deserted Mineral Plant
Freestar Captain's Log 03Akila City
Freestar Captain's Log 05Freestar Mech Factory Command Center

4. Mining Monthly

Mining Monthly is a skill magazine that increases your mining yield by 5% per issue.

Additionally, it refers to the amount of resources you can extract from sources such as ore deposits and asteroids.

A higher mining yield allows you to obtain more crafting, trading, and upgrading materials.

Mining Monthly magazines are available on planets, space stations, and settlements throughout the Settled Systems.

Mining MonthlyLocation
Mining Monthly 01Abandoned Mine
Mining Monthly 02Seokguh Syndicate Hideout
Mining Monthly 03Aloha Centauri System
Mining Monthly 04Autonomous Dogstar Factory
Mining Monthly 07Residential Room-Cydonia
Mining Monthly 10Valo System

5. Nova Galactic Manual

Nova Galactic Manual is a skill magazine that reduces the fuel need for a grav jump by 5% per issue.

Similarly, there are several Nova Galactic Manuals, each providing a different bonus to a different skill. Here are the names of Nova Galactic Manual issues with the locations.

Nova Galactic ManualLocation
Nova Galactic Manual 01Cassiopeia System
Nova Galactic Manual 02Sol System
Nova Galactic Manual 03Alpha Centauri System
Nova Galactic Manual 04Deserted Freestar Collective Garrison
Nova Galactic Manual 05Autonomos Staryard
Nova Galactic Manual 06Volii Psi (Volii System)
Nova Galactic Manual 08Abandoned Shipping Depot
Nova Galactic Manual 09Abandoned Deimos Scapyard

The Bottom Line 

In Starfield, players can explore the galaxy to find bookshops where they can sell and buy books.

Moreover, players can earn credits after selling the books to the book vendors. These credits can be used to upgrade your spaceship or get supplies.

Learn more about Razorleaf Vs Frontier and Derelict Croatoan in Starfield.

Namrata Raya
Namrata Raya
Namrata is an enthusiastic Bsc.CSIT student who is eager to learn new knowledge and skills. She has skillfully conceptualized, edited, and published many engaging gaming and tech-related articles and reviews. She stayed up-to-date with industry trends and upcoming game releases to provide timely and relevant content.

Expertise: Game Reviews Esports Analysis


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  • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills for dissecting gaming news.
  • Committed to delivering engaging and informative articles to gaming enthusiasts.
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    Namrata has an extensive background in gaming, having played and analyzed numerous video games across different platforms. This experience has given her valuable insights into the gaming industry and its audience. Her dedication to staying updated with the latest trends in gaming allows her to provide readers with timely and engaging content.



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